Voting Information for the 2020 Election

August 3, 2020

Check your voter registration now and double-check before you go out to vote in the fall. 

Each year, North Carolina is legally required to remove thousands of registered voters from its voter rolls as a “maintenance routine” that many refer to as purging. It is essential that you double-check your voter registration status because purging can happen to anyone, anytime
(even after you’ve already registered to vote for the current election year).

You can find more resources at

Request your absentee ballot if you don’t want to vote in person.

It is crucial that everyone registers to vote or knows how to request an absentee ballot. If you want to vote in-person, double-check your voter registration status, begin researching local races and ballot initiatives and encourage your family, friends and coworkers to register to vote.

However, if you have health concerns or want to avoid long lines at the poll, make sure to request an absentee ballot by Oct. 27 at 5 p.m. You can find more resources at

Send in your absentee ballot, go vote early, or make sure you’re at the polls on Nov. 3!

To ensure that you’re voting in this election, check that you’re registered to vote, and then decide to vote in-person or by an absentee ballot. Plan to vote early in-person on Oct. 15-3, plan to mail in an absentee ballot by Nov. 3 or plan to vote in-person on Nov. 3.

If you’re voting in-person:

Make sure that you know the hours and locations for early voting/election day sites near you and have arranged a ride to the poll for friends, neighbors or family that might need help getting to the polls.

If you’re voting by mail:

Make sure that you request an absentee ballot (by Oct. 27 or earlier),
vote on the ballot that is mailed to you and return the ballot by mail postmarked no later than 5 p.m. Nov. 3. In addition, make sure that your absentee ballot is mailed in with two stamps and know that only one witness is required. If you have any questions, call the NC Election Protection Hotline number at 1-888-OUR-VOTE or visit